You Say Goodbye When I Say Hello– a new essay from David Hicks
David has published a new essay in the eclectic on-line magazine, Queen Mob's Tea House. It's [...]
Interview with David in the Saranac Review
David was recently interviewed by Nicole Hebdon of the Saranac Review. Read the interview here: [...]
“Higher Laws” – New Short Story in the Saranac Review
David's story, "Higher Laws," appears in the current 10-anniversary edition of the Saranac Review (Fall 2014).
“The Romantic Traveler Presents: Your Customized Guide to Narcissa” – A New Story in The Writing Disorder
David's latest story, "The Romantic Traver Presents: Your Customized Guide to Narcissa" (his first 0n-line story!) [...]
David Hicks to Visit Moravian Academy
2014 Puleo Visiting Writer David Hicks to Visit Upper School February 10th and 11th Moravian [...]
“Nocciola” A New Short Story in Whitefish Revew
Whitefish Review, Winter 2014 David's new story, "Nocciola," appears in the special "Hunger" edition of [...]
Levine Greenberg Literary Agency to Represent David Hicks
David is now represented by Victoria Skurnick of the prestigious Levine Greenberg Literary Agency. Oddly [...]
David Finalist in Glimmer Train’s 2012 Fiction Open
David's newest story, "Higher Laws," was a finalist in Glimmer Train's 2012 Fiction Open, with [...]
“All the Wrong Moves” in Saranac Review
David's latest story, "All the Wrong Moves," appears in the current issue of Saranac Review. [...]
Native New Yorker Survives Wyoming
David just spent two weeks at the Brush Creek Foundation in Saratoga, Wyoming, eating for free, [...]
Short and Sweet Interview with David Hicks
David was recently interviewed by Heather Clitheroe for Trachodon's "cheek teeth" blog about his story, "In [...]
“All the Wrong Moves” to appear in fortcoming issue of The Saranac Review
David's story, "All the Wrong Moves," will appear in a fortcoming issue of The Saranac [...]