Practice Makes Proud
I know, the expression is "practice makes perfect," but there is no perfect when it [...]
Libraries: A Love Story
When I was a kid in Harrison, New York, a family tragedy crudely interrupted our [...]
Fiction as Truth
I'm writing this on the publication date of my children’s book, THE MAGIC TICKET (Fulcrum [...]
“A Beautiful Collaboration”: Writing and Illustrating a Children’s Book Together
In most cases, a children's book is written by the author, the author is fortunate [...]
I Have Good News! Part 2
Hey, I’ve got more good news! (Wait, are you reading this first? This is Part [...]
I Have Good News! Part 1
Hey, I’ve got good news! After years of working hard without seeing any results, I [...]
David Hicks Interviewed on WVIA’s “Art Scene” with Erika Funke
She could very well be the Best Interviewer Ever. She is certainly "The Voice" of [...]
Bohemian Rain
[This post first appeared in] After my father died, in late January 2007, at [...]
On the Difficulty of Celebrating
[This essay was first presented on the "Life And . . . " Podcast in [...]
How to Pitch Your Book (Guest blog by Jen McLaughlin)
Since I dread being asked, "So what's your book about?" and am god-awful at answering [...]
Top Ten Tips–How to Give a Good Reading
How to Give a Good Reading (from someone who used to be a terrible reader) 1. [...]
Love Your Words
Months before I went on my book tour, I was nervous about reading in public—I [...]