David writes about maintaining a steady writing practice through meet-ups with other writers–a way of keeping himself on task and accountable. It’s on page 16 of the October 2017 print edition, or download the magazine here.
David writes about maintaining a steady writing practice through meet-ups with other writers–a way of keeping himself on task and accountable. It’s on page 16 of the October 2017 print edition, or download the magazine here.
The first time it occurred to me that one could write with someone else (it’s always been such a solo enterprise for me) was with you, and you actually had to teach me how to do it. It felt weird to sit together and write, not chat much, just barely check in and then get to work, but it was great. Last week, Michael and I spent a week traveling around Northern California, and we decided to do this, which we learned from you: sit across a table from each other and write, which we did pretty much all the time we weren’t hiking or eating dinner. It was the best vacation ever: we got SO much written, and still had time to enjoy everything we wanted to do and see.