Back East
I recently started a new position at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, PA, as the new [...]
New Beginnings
Spring is traditionally a time of new beginnings, and this spring is no different. But [...]
Cross-Continental Quarantining
I was in Prague on a Fulbright scholarship, teaching at the venerable Charles University and [...]
WHITE PLAINS Book Tour: Part 2
or, Dave’s Top Ten Tips on How to Organize a Book Tour After the main [...]
WHITE PLAINS Book Tour, Part I
I’m (finally!) back from Phase 1 of my Insane Book Tour, after 34 appearances in [...]
Can a Book Tour Be Fun?
When I found out my book would be published, a friend asked me when my [...]
In Omaggio a Mamma
Yesterday I was driving with Cynthia, trying to figure out whether the temperature gauge on [...]
Sports Fanaticism: or, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
This post was written May 13, 2015, but is every bit as relevant today. :-) [...]
Reading My Contemporaries
As a professor of early American Literature, I read a lot, but mostly DWG (Dead [...]
Just Write, Baby
I’ve been reading a lot of articles lately (okay, two) about the importance of a [...]
I Used to Be an Athlete
This is mostly about my knees. They creak now. Stiffen up. When I get up [...]
Summer Off
Well, it’s winter already, isn’t it? That wasn’t much of a fall, as lovely as [...]