THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO DANNY, a New Novel from David Hicks
David's new novel, The Gospel According to Danny, has been a decade in the making, and [...]
“[A] tender and moving . . . story of loss, grief, and the healing power of storytelling” — a review of THE MAGIC TICKET from Midwest Book Review
Midwest Book Review, Children's Bookwatch, August 2024 The Magic Ticket David Hicks, author Kateri Kramer, [...]
THE MAGIC TICKET Kickstarter Campaign is Launched!
We have thirty days to fund David's book tour! Your donation to his Kickstarter campaign [...]
Hicks is a Featured Guest on the “Life And . . . ” Podcast
In a recent "Life And . . . " podcast, David talked about how difficult [...]
David’s Interview with V.S. Kemanis
In her review of White Plains, V.S. Kemanis calls the main character Flynn "the most [...]
Hicks to Be Featured at Sleepy Hollow Lit Fest in May
On Saturday, May 18, David will be appearing at the First Annual Sleepy Hollow Lit [...]
Schedule for Arapahoe Libraries’ 2018 “Village Read” Celebration, Featuring David Hicks’s WHITE PLAINS
WHITE PLAINS has been chosen as the 2018 "Village Read" by Arapahoe Libraries, serving a [...]
WHITE PLAINS Named One of “Colorado’s Ten Best Books”
White Plains was named one of Colorado's Ten Best Books of 2017 by Westword Magazine!
Feature Article, “How Creede Taught Me to Be a Coloradan,” in Colorado Life Magazine (May/June 2017)
David's personal essay on the impact that Creede, Colorado had on him during a key [...]
“White Plains didn’t begin as White Plains”: David Hicks Is Interviewed by On Denver Magazine
David explains the unusual origins of his novel, WHITE PLAINS, and chats with Bianca Glinskas [...]
Colorado Book Awards Finalists to Read on April 27
On Friday, April 27 at 7 p.m., a veritable all-star team of authors, including David [...]
WHITE PLAINS Is a Finalist for the 2018 Colorado Book Awards
David's debut novel, White Plains, is a finalist in the Literary Fiction category, along with [...]